Main Page
From PGPwiki
Pierre Grangé-Praderas Artist - Hacker - Beekeeper Artiste - Hacker - Apiculteur
Here is the repository for all of my Linguic Things.
Nœuds / Nodes
All pieces are classified by Nodes numbers.
Reason 1 = Titles of this things changes sometimes. Reason 2 = this Lingic Things happens at the crossroads of my minds, where they do nodes.
Toutes les pièces sont classées par numéro de noeud. Raison 1 = le titres changent parfois Raison 2 = Ces pièces apparaissent au croisement de différents allants de ma pensée.
Start exploring by the middle
Click on one Node, and you'll can continue with links on the next page. If you search a particular Node tak ea lokk at here: Special:AllPages all pages